Top 7 WordPress Plugins for Login with Mobile Number

login with phone number

If you also need to create a different form to login and register your users on the WordPress site. To instill a sense of liveliness and confidence in your user upon arrival. I suggest you join us to introduce some plugins. And get acquainted with the details of each plugin.

Introducing plugins

First of all, it is better to provide you with a list of these plugins

  1. Digits plugin
  2. Login With Mobile Number for Woocommerce
  3. OTP Login Woocommerce & Gravity Forms
  4. Registration & Login with Mobile Phone Number
  5. NoMorePass WordPress plugin
  6. Login with phone number
  7. Login Using Only Phone Number

Check the plugins feature

  1. Digits plugin

    One of the most popular and well-known plugins for logging in and subscribing with a mobile number in WordPress is the Digits plugin. In the Digits plugin, an OTP code is sent to the number entered by the customer in the created box. By confirming this code, the user can verify his identity and enter the site.

    Features of Digits plugin include full compatibility with WordPress and WooCommerce, compatibility with easy digital download, compatibility with woocommerce vendor login and also compatibility with the shop which is a privilege.

    NoMorePass WordPress plugin

    But in competition with this plugin, other plugins have been released to log in with a mobile number. One of these plugins is called NoMorePass. This plugin also allows you to confirm your login and registration without entering any other information and only by entering the code sent to the mobile number. In this plugin, all users can be sure of the security of their information because all login codes sent are disposable and are not stored on the system or site in any way.

  2. Login With Mobile Number for Woocommerce

    WooCommerce is another big company that has provided a plugin in this field. But an important point in the WooCommerce plugin is the possibility of changing your mobile number from your account. Another feature of the WooCommerce mobile number login plugin is admin access to all mobile numbers registered in the system for each customer.

  3. OTP Login Woocommerce & Gravity Forms

    Other login plugins with mobile number include OTP Login Woocommerce & Gravity Forms plugin.
    This plugin has an important feature compared to the size of the plugins introduced so far, and that is the ability to communicate with Gravity Form.
    This plugin uses the API endpoint to identify country codes. This identifies the ip and allows the verification code to be sent to other countries.

  4. Registration & login with mobile phone number

    In this tight competition of plugins, Registration & login with mobile phone number is another plugin name that can be seen. This plugin also provides the ability to log in with a mobile number, in which you can use the new and old form together and users have two ways to log in. In this plugin, your identity is verified in two steps. Another point that you can see in this plugin is the possibility of designing display buttons and changing their color and style.

  5. Login with phone number

    But in the end we have to mention one of the newest and most attractive plugins that have just been released. This plugin gives you the ability to log in with a mobile number and design the login page completely. This plugin is completely Persianized and has compatibility with WooCommerce, and you can restrict entry and registration for some countries. And set the login page to the address you want and make the necessary design for it. The important point of this plugin is the user interface and understanding for Persian speakers. As you guessed, all the plugins introduced by other countries and companies have been written so far. But this plugin was written by Hamid Ali Nia. And is Reagan in the WordPress repository.

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