First, install the WhatsApp Gateway for Login with Phone Number WordPress plugin, and then enter the Ultramsg website.
Please enter the website and click on the “Free Trial” button.

Steps to activate Whatsapp gateway for login with phone number
On the page that opens, create an account by filling in the requested information.

In the next step, enter the dashboard and click on “Instances”. Then, click on the green “Add Instance” button.

click on the “confirm”.

Please wait a moment for the following page to be displayed. Then, click on “Manage”.

Now, scan the QR code with the WhatsApp account through which you want to send SMS messages.

In the final step of setting up the WhatsApp Gateway plugin, log in to the WordPress admin panel. From the login settings, select “UltraMsg Setting” under the WhatsApp Gateway plugin.
You are provided with some information, please keep this information…

Please enter any information that the ultramsg website has provided to you in this section.

Activation of the WhatsApp gateway plugin is completed just this easily. Enjoy!
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